Choose one of our designs, mix and match or start from your own and customise the design to suit your lifestyle and needs. Our experienced and professional staff will help you develop your ideal home design.

Check the costs meet the budget and make any adjustments and allow for any specific requirements that have become known.

Sign a Preliminary agreement to obtain reports from engineers, surveyors, assessors as needed and prepare drawings to be used for approvals.

Apply for approvals to determine local government requirements.

Now its time to choose what finishes and fittings are to be put into the home including colour schemes and selections.

With all reports and selections now received the final costs can be determined and the construction documentation prepared. Including finance approval and contracts.

With all details documented and approved we are ready to start construction.

Once construction is complete we can deliver your home to site ready for installation on site.

Work on site involves the builder and trades completing work ready for the home to be used by your family.

This is the time the final checks are made to ensure everything is in place and operational.

After 6 months a check that everything is working, operational and as it should be is done and any items to be addressed are corrected.